God’s Peace is Attainable

I had a nightmare that stemmed from fear for the future. In the dream, we tried to keep our faith by praying, however things only seemed to get worse. Other things happened in the nightmare that made it seem like there was no hope. I tried to hold on to the smallest portion of faith …

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Faith not Fear

Lately I have been feeling fearful. Fearful for the future. I've felt like everything that I believe and hold dear could all be fake. I don't know how to explain it but it was such a strong feeling that consumed me and I didn't know how to get out of it. I'm not yet completely …

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My Miracle Baby

I am reblogging this in honour of my little brother’s eight birthday today! I love him to bits and I can’t ever forget what God has done in his life.


This is such a wonderful text isn’t it. Walking by faith not by sight is such simple formula, however it can also be complicated. Especially when you are in the midst of a hard situation.

I’ve had to apply that text to my life in various situations.

One of them is when my brother was born. He was born prematurely with a lung condition. The doctors had said that he had a 50% chance of recovering and they said that if he was to recover, he may have to be in and out of hospital for a whole year and walk everywhere with an oxygen tank.

If only he knew that the God I serve can do a lot with 50%?!

The doctors were telling my family that there was a high likelihood that things were going to take a turn for the worst with regards to my brothers health…

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